Electronic Medical Records - 75health

Monday, April 2, 2018

EMR Functionality and Its Performance in the Clinical Care

Driven by the attraction of incentives and threat of penalties, increasingly more number of health care facilities have started adopting the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Software. It is through active participation from the part of clinicians that the right EMR Software can be picked, fulfilling the practice needs.

Significance of EMR Systems in the Modern Medical Industry Scenario

For administrators and other hospital stakeholders, understanding the relative importance of, and the contributors to, the different factors that describe the Electronic Medical Record Software use, and its tangible impact on patient safety and satisfaction proves to be of paramount importance.

Offering exclusive benefits such as better access and greater security to medical records, enabling specialists, pharmacists, and other groups to reliably and quickly access information, and increased speed in obtaining patient histories, documentation, and patient encounters, EMR Systems are no doubt the most useful medical information technology of the modern times.

Chief Functionalities of the EMR Software

  • Charting: 
The ever-increasing documentation work can be managed efficiently without having to put up extra hours - thanks to the EMR Software
  • Billing:
 Getting paid for services provided is vital – the EMR Software enables billing and integration with other payment software
  • E-Prescription: 
 EMR System offers e-prescribing that offers two-way communication with pharmacies, enables printing medical handouts, and integrates with Medicare Part D
  • Workflow: 
 Medical practices have their own set of procedures; the software must be capable of knowing the order of these processes and guide them, so as to save time for the users – EMRs must offer customizable workflows
  • Lab Integration: 
The EMR Software must offer two-way communication with labs, it has to integrate with labs, and offer convenient access to research and information on lab results
  • Patient portal: 
A patient portal that gives access to all details about patients must be available
  • Cloud hosting: 

With the trend clearly predicting cloud-based applications, ability to access critical medical data from anywhere untethers medical professionals from their offices

It is clear from users’ views that the more number of functionalities available in the software, the greater will be the potential of exploration, assimilation and use by doctors. Clinical performance of the EMR Software is seen to improve with the increased participation by physicians in designing and implementing the same.

75Health EMR Software provides complete customization and clinical functionality, enabling providers and their staff to spend more time with patients.

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