Electronic Medical Records - 75health

Monday, June 10, 2019

Top 10 qualities to look for in an EMR

So you know about Electronic Medical Records (EMR), but are wondering what qualities to look for in a good one? We heard you. Here is a list of ten qualities to help you gauge an EMR.

1.      Ease of data capture: The primary work of an EMR is to capture a patient’s medical records in an electronic format. So the foremost quality to check for is to see how easy it is to capture patient health data.

2.      Access to past data: An EMR is designed to help a practitioner at a specific practice access a patient’s entire medical records to help the practitioner arrive at a diagnosis. If the access to past records is cumbersome or takes a long time to view, then the EMR is not serving its purpose!

3.      Data Security: A patient’s data must be captured and saved for the future by any EMR. Hence increased security of data becomes an important factor to judge an EMR’s worth.

4.      Simplified use: While an EMR software does the tedious job of recording all the medical data of a patient, it should be simple to use. Otherwise, a medical practioner will be losing precious time which can be used to cure a patient.

5.      Accurate Documentation: A pateint’s medical documents have to be accurate in order to aid at speedy prognosis. A good EMR facilitates accurate documentation.

6.      Good quality Images: Health records also contain images such as scans and x-rays. A top-notch EMR will enable effective capture of such images and present the doctor with high resolution images.

7.      Meets all the legal and medical compliances: EMRs are bound by legal laws and have to adhere to medical mandates. A good EMR will adhere to all the requisite laws.

8.      Integrated Prescription: An EMR which helps in generating a prescription is better than just a stand-alone EMR as it helps in a lot of time savings.

9.      Integrated Billing: When an EMR is more comprehensive and also facilitates billing, it improves the overall efficiency of the practice.

10.   Flexible and Robust: A good EMR system has be flexible enough to incorporate the fields needed by different medical records and robust enough to handle copious volumes.

These ten qualities can help in identifying the best EMR suitable for your needs.