Electronic Medical Records - 75health

Monday, March 18, 2019

How Do EMR And EHR Providers Support Doctors?

EMR and EHR providers are the latest group of stakeholders who have forayed into the healthcare system, and are actively leveraging technology to connect doctors and patients better. By maintaining patient health records in the electronic format, these providers support doctors in the following way:

n  Easy access to a patient’s clinicial data set: EHR and EMR provider maintain a patient’s record in the electronic format. This means that all relevant health information of a patient are collected and maintained in a single place, and this simplifies a doctor’s access to these vital informations. EHRs or EMRs help a doctor view all the past records of a patient’s health in one place without having to lose time in waiting or hunting for previous records.

n  Simplified collaboration with other specialists: Certified EMRs and EHRs are built to enable easy collaboration between different doctors. Hence, as it is in many cases, all the doctors who are collaborating to cure a patient have immediate access to the prognosis given by the others. This in turn helps in a faster recovery path for the patient.

n  Accurate information to aid in better and faster diagnosis: EMR and EHR provide data security which means that a patient’s clinical data set is accurate. Consequently, a doctor need not worry about if a particular infomation is incorrect or if any test record is missing. This, in turn, leads to a quicker and error-free path to diagnosing the ailment and healing it.

n  Time Saving: The biggest support that EHRs and EMRs provide medical practioners is the time saving that they offer. Time is the key difference between life and death in times of emergency, and by ensuring that time is saved, EMRs and EHRs help doctors save precious lives.

Summarizing, accuracy, interoperability, and accessibility are the three ways in which EMRs and EHRs support health care professionals. As a consequence, patients benefit as these intrinsic benefits of EMRs and EHRs leads to swift identification of the problem, and hence solution.